Required Courses Guideline(Undergraduate)

Course Year and Semester Units in each Semester Units Total Units
中文 (Chinese) Freshman Fall and Spring 2 - 2 4


大一英文 (Freshman English) 3 - 3 6
大二英文 (Sophomore English) Sophomore Fall and Spring 2 - 2 4
AI思維與程式設計 (AI Thinking & Basic Program)   0 0
全民國防教育 (All-out Defense Education)   0 0
大一體育 (Physical Education (I))   0 0
大二體育 (Physical Education (2))   0 0
Required GE
人文領域 (Humanities)

Need choose one of Humanities,Social Science,Natural Science

At least 12 units

社會領域 (Social Sciences)
自然領域 (Natural Sciences)
文明與經典領域 (Civilization and Classic)
領導與倫理領域 (Leadership & Ethics)
議題導向領域 (Issue-oriented)
永續實踐領域 (Sustainability Practice)
Department Required
微積分甲〈一〉 (Calculus A (I)) Freshman Fall 3 - 0 3 55
計算機概論 (Introduction to Computer Science) 3 - 0 3
Python程式設計 (Programming in Python) 3 - 0 3
離散數學 (Discrete Mathematics) 3 - 0 3
機率學 (Probability) 3 - 0 3
微積分甲〈二〉 (Calculus A (II)) Freshman Spring 0 - 3 3
線性代數 (Linear Algebra) 0 - 3 3
邏輯設計 (Logic Design) 0 - 3 3
邏輯設計實驗 (Logic Design Laboratory) 0 - 1 1
C++程式設計 (C++ Programming) 0 - 3 3
資料結構 (Data Structures) Sophomore Fall 3 - 0 3
機器學習導論 (Introduction to Machine Learning) 3 - 0 3
系統程式 (Systems Programming) Sophomore Spring 0 - 3 3
計算機網路 (Computer Networks) 0 - 3 3
程式設計檢定 (Collegiate Programming Examination(CPE)) 0 - 1 1
計算機組織 (Computer Organization) 0 - 3 3
演算法 (Algorithms) 0 - 3 3
作業系統 (Operating System) Junior Fall 3 - 0 3
資料庫 (Data Base System) 3 - 0 3
專題實作 (Practice of Projects in Computer Engineering) Senior Fall 2 - 0 2
Department Required to Choose
物件導向分析與設計(Object Oriented Analysis and Design) Sophomore Fall 3 - 0 3  
數據分析資料工程(Data Analytics and Engineering) Sophomore Spring 0 - 3 3
編譯器(Compiler) Junior Spring 0 - 3 3
專題研究(Directed Research) Junior Spring 0 - 2 2
Total Units
Required Unit(Including required core, GE and department required courses) 81
Elective Units 47 Need to include 27 units from department electives.
Graduate Units(Including required and elective units) 128