1 |
ZH Chen, SH Chou, Ching-Tsorng Tsai and SM Yuan, Big Data:Open Data and Realty Website Analysis,IEEE UMEDIA 2015, July, Sri Lanka |
2 |
YC. Cheng, JS. Jwo, and CT. Tsai, “A Leading Indicator of Post-Release Defect Density in Refactoring-based Software Maintenance – A Case Study,” ICS 2014, Taichung, Taiwan, 12/13/2014. |
3 |
C-H Wang, C-C Fan, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, and SM Yuan, A Hadoop based Weblog Analysis System, IEEE UMEDIA 2014 July, Mongolia |
4 |
William Cheng-Chung Chu,Wu MJ,Kuei-l Lee,Yi-Lin Jiang,Tse-Chuan Hsu,Meng-De Wang,Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “Applying information systems to support dietary patient Home Care,”2012 International Symposium on Software Technology, pp.1-6, Nanjing, China, Oct. 22-24, 2012 |
5 |
Ching-Tsorng Tsai,Wu MJ,Kuei-l Lee,Gu-Shen Chen,Chi-Shyan Liaw,William Cheng-Chung Chu, “The case study for Information Systems Analysis control diet catering on cloud computing network,” 2012 International Symposium on Software Technology, pp.26-38, Nanjing, China, Oct. 22-24, 2012 |
6 |
Chia-Feng Lin,Shyan-Ming Yuan,Muh-Chyi Leu,Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “A framework for scalable cloud viedo recorder system insurveillance environment,” 2012 International Symposium on Software Technology, pp.39-44, Nanjing, China, Oct. 22-24, 2012 |
7 |
Chishyan Liaw, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, Chung-Chi Lin, Jing-Long Wu, “Evolving a Character in a First-Person Shooter,” International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA 2012), Spain, Barcelona, Oct. 5-7, 2012. |
8 |
Chia-Feng Lin, Muh-Chyi Leu, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “A framework for scalable cloud video recorder system in surveillance environment,” 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, pp.655-660, Japan, Sep. 2012 |
9 |
Wen-Feng Hsu, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Guo-Heng Luo, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “Constructing Private Cloud Storage Using Network Attatched Storage,” 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, pp.713-718, Japan, Sep. 2012 |
10 |
Yen-Lin Chen, Chuan-Yen Chiang, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “UBIQUITOUS AND CUSTOMIZABLE INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGE-BASED HOMECARE SYSTEM FRAMEWORK,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
11 |
Ming-Ju Wu, Kuei-I Lee , Shun-Ting Wu, Mei-Hua Luo, Iwen Huang, Ching-Tsorng Tsai ,San-Kan Lee, Chein-I Chang, “AN INTELLIGENT NUTRITION MONITORING SYSTEM,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing,Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
12 |
Chung-chi Lin, Ching-Tsorng Tsai , Chishyan Liaw, “MOTION ADAPTIVE DEINTERLACING WITH A ROBUST SCENE CHANGE DETECTION,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
13 |
Ming-Tsung Liu, Jeng-fen , Ching-Wen Yang, Wei-Hua Wang, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “AN EFFICIENT CANDIDATE PRUNING APPROACH FOR THE VERTEBRA DETECTION IN X-RAY IMAGES BASED ON PSO-SVM,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
14 |
Pei-Yu Peng , Sheng-Ren Hsieh, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, “A SOCIAL NETWORK BASED ONLINE TUTORING SYSTEM,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
15 |
Wei-Hua Wang, Chishyan Liaw, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, Chung-Chi Lin, Jing-Long Wu, “Evolving a Bot by using Genetic Algorithm,” The 25th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Nantou, Taiwan, Aug.12-14, 2012. |
16 |
江宜霖、蔡清欉、廖啟賢、柯朝輝, “應用決策樹分類於類疾病營養指南,” Global Industry Logistics Management Conference, pp.380-389, 2012. |
17 |
陳家伸、蔡清欉、廖啟賢、柯朝輝、吳明儒, “應用決策樹分類於慢性病病人適合之飲食-以慢性腎臟病為例,” Symposium on Global Business Operation and Management, pp.2895-2904, 2012. |
18 |
張嘉元、蔡清欉、陳享民、蔡志文、陳啟昌, “以RBF核參數於核化線性頻譜混合分析之磁振造影分析, Symposium on Global Business Operation and Management, pp.2382-2390, 2012. |
19 |
賴婉琳、蔡清欉、吳明儒、柯朝輝、廖啟賢, “在Android上之健康飲食管控系統,” Symposium on Global Business Operation and Management, pp.3121-3129, 2012. |
20 |
程士翔、蔡清欉、廖啟賢, “利用分等螞蟻系統於非玩家角色遊戲之訓練, Training A Non-Player Character Using A Rank-Based Ant System,” 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Nov., 2010. |
21 |
林正弘、蔡清欉、廖啟賢, “利用混合式最佳化演算法於遊戲戰?角色演練,” Applying a hybrid optimization algorithm to train a game role,” 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Nov. , 2010. |
22 |
Wei Xiong, Chein-I Chang, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, "Estimation of Virtual Dimensionality in Hyperspectral Imagery by Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis", accepted by IGARSS Honolulu,United States, 2010. |
23 |
Ching-Tsorng Tsai ,Hsien-Tand Lin, Ming-Hung Hung, Chia-Feng Lin, Shyan-Ming Yuan, "Exchanging Course Content Mechanism for Moodle LMS", accepted by International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2010) , Anhui, China, 2010. |
24 |
Chia-Feng,Lin, Ruey-Shyang Wu, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Ching-Tsorng Tsai, "A Web Services Status Monitoring Technology for Distributed System Management in the Cloud", accepted by International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2010) , Anhui, China, 2010. |
25 |
Y.W Kao, K.Y Cheng, and S.M Yuan, C.T.Tsai, A PCDA-Based Critical Exception Management System in Semiconductor Industr, accepted by International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2010) , Anhui, China, 2010. |
26 |
Chung-chi Lin, Chishyan Liaw, and Ching-tsorng Tsai, “A Piecewise Linear Convolution Interpolation with Third-order Approximation for Real-time Image Processing,” 2010 IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 2010. (Accepted) |
27 |
Wei Xiong, Ching Tsorng Tsai, Chung Wen Yang and Chein-I Chang, “Convex Cone-Based Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Imagery”, submitted to Conference OP404 Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing VI, San Diego, CA United States, 2010. |
28 |
Wei Xiong, Ching Tsorng Tsai, Chung Wen Yang and Chein-I Chang, “Maximum Orthogonal Subspace Projection Approach to Estimating the Number of Spectral Signal Sources in Hyperspectral Imagery”, submitted to Conference Imaging Spectrometry XV, San Diego, CA United States, 2010. |
29 |
周淑貞、蔡清欉、李貴宜、吳明儒、張建禕, 智慧型飲食節制系統之資料庫設計研究, 2010資通技術管理與應用研討會, June 2010. |
30 |
陳仕偉、蔡清欉、吳明儒、張建禕, 智慧型健康飲食節制系統-以外食者為例, 2010 ITAMC資訊技術應用及管理研討會, June 2010. |
31 |
陳建佐、蔡清欉、張建禕、廖啟賢, 腹膜透析操作模擬系統, A Virtual Reality Simulation System for Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, 2010資訊與管理應用研討會, March 2010. |
32 |
郝國平、蔡清欉、廖啟賢, 訓練電腦遊戲團隊的策略, 2010資訊與管理應用研討會, March 2010. |
33 |
陳韋志、蔡清欉、廖啟賢, 以蜜蜂演算法為基礎之單人電腦射擊遊戲人工智慧之研究, 2010資訊與管理應用研討會, March 2010. |
34 |
Yu-Liang Chen,Guang-Ming Li,Ching-Tsorng Tsai, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Hsin-Ta Chiao, Regenerating Code Based P2P Storage Scheme with Caching, ICCIT conference in Korea, 2009 |
35 |
C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), Y.W. Kao, T.W. Cheng, S.M Yuan, H.T. Chiao, P2P Based Auction System Integrated with OpenID, ICCIT conference in Korea, 2009 |
36 |
Y.W. Kao, C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), T.H.Chow and S.M Yuan, An Offline Browsing System for Mobile , accepted as a full paper at the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2009), Kuala Lumpur in December2009 |
37 |
W.H.Hung, Y.W. Kao, C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), and S.M Yuan, A Cross-platform P2P Blog System Based on Pebble, accepted as a full paper at the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2009), Kuala Lumpur in December2009 |
38 |
張正翰, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 柯朝輝, 以卡爾曼濾波為基礎之自行車導航系統, 2009文化創意產業設計、傳播與資訊科技應用國際研討會, Dec. 2009. |
39 |
王聖凱, 潘錫光, 廖啟賢, 蔡清欉, 楊晴雯, 基於等高集合法切割膽囊壁之研究,第三屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2008. |
40 |
張順欽, 郝延昇, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 林正基, 以完全自由軟體為基礎建構之e-Learning教學平台, 2008數位學習與生活研討會, May. 2008. |
41 |
曾漢煒, 趙士賢, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 林正基, 整合GPS與INS之自行車導航系統, 2008數位學習與生活研討會, May. 2008. |
42 |
羅勝宇、蔡清欉、廖啟賢 ,”粒子群最佳化為基礎的個人步行導航系統” , 2008數位學習與生活研討會, May 2008 |
43 |
蔡彰霖, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 以保證收斂粒子群最佳化演算法改善電腦遊戲團隊人工智慧訓練效能之研究, 2008數位學習與生活研討會, May. 2008. |
44 |
張貽勛, 廖啟賢, 柯朝輝, 蔡清欉, 以小波轉換為基礎之馬賽克影像資料隱藏技術, 2007年第二屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2007. |
45 |
藍卞鴻, 陳柏仲, 廖啟賢, 蔡清欉, 以粒子群最佳化演化之電腦遊戲團隊人工智慧研究, 2007年第二屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2007. |
46 |
陳世軒, 林正基, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 運用在數位影像之延展式線性內插法, 2007資訊科技管理與資訊人才培育研討會, June. 2007. |
47 |
黃奐禎, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 廖元勳, 利用粒子群演算法在電腦遊戲訓練團隊策略, 銘傳大學2007國際學術研討會, March. 2007. |
48 |
許惟翔, 林正基, 廖啟賢, 蔡清欉, 改良之粒子群最佳化動作搜尋演算法, 銘傳大學2007國際學術研討會, March. 2007. |
49 |
Chung-chi Lin, Ming-Hwa Sheu, Huann-keng Chiang, Chishyan Liaw, and Ming-che Chen, C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), Film-to-Video Conversion with Scene Cut Detection, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan |
50 |
陳柏仲, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 林灶生, 以粒子群最佳化演算法為基礎之第一人稱射擊遊戲角色設計, 2006年第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2006. |
51 |
廖元勳, 蔡清欉, 朱筆麟, 柯朝輝, 廖啟賢, 以小波轉換特徵建立資料庫檢索之圖片馬賽克建構技術, 2006年第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2006. |
52 |
林家福, 林正基, 廖啟賢, 蔡清欉, 考慮整場及區域場景變化之解交錯演算法, accepted, 2006年第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2006. |
53 |
劉振漢, 蔡清欉, 廖啟賢, 中國彩墨畫擴散模擬研究, 2006年第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, June. 2006. |
54 |
C.C. Lin , M.H. Sheu, H.K. Chiang, C.S. Liaw, C.T. Tsai, "An Efficient Video De-interlacing with Scene Change Detection," accepted,IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS 2005, Dec. 2005. |
55 |
C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), C.S. Liaw, S.T. Tsai, and M.C. Chen, Surrounding-Matching Oriented Image Mosaics, submitted to 2005 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Nov. 2005. |
56 |
林祝興, 賴威伸, 陳志榕, 蔡清欉, 一個加速指數取模運算的方法, 第六屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會, Nov. 2005, pp.443~449. 2005. |
57 |
許旭正, 柯佳吟, 蔡清欉, 翁純敏, 應用數位簽章提高企業入口網站的安全性, accepted, 2005 Information Management and New Technolgies (IMNT 2005), Oct. 2005. |
58 |
蘇彥郎 , 林聖凱 , 蔡清欉 , 廖啟賢 , 李建樹 , "建構染色體異常疾病診斷決策支援系統,"submitted to 2005年國際醫學資訊研討會(MIST2005),Sep.,2005. |
59 |
蔡清欉 , 廖啟賢 , 張席昌 , 劉文山 , 柯佳吟, "利用電子呈像技術來確保放射治療品質,"submitted to 2005年國際醫學資訊研討會(MIST2005),Sep.,2005. |
60 |
C.S. Liaw , C.T. Tsai , C.H. Ko, "The Two-level Quantization Strategy of Quadratic Hebbian-type Associative Memories", accepted, International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain (NN&B05),Aug. 2005. |
61 |
G.H. Liang , C.T. Tsai , M.Y. Ho , Y.Y. Yang & C.M. Bradshaw, "A Test of a Multiplicative Hyperbolic Model of Impulsive Choice In Humans ", accepted , Journal of International Neuropsychological Society (2005) |
62 |
L.P. Lu, C.C. Lin, C.S. Liaw and C.T. Tsai, "An interfield deinterlacing technique with scene-cut detection " Digital Contents Management and Applications , June 2005, pp. 39-46(5) |
63 |
許旭正, 翁純敏, 柯佳吟, 蔡清欉, 繁簡體轉換在ERP系統的應用與研究, 2005年ERP學術與實務研究會暨年會, Jun. 2005. |
64 |
朱筆麟,蔡昇達,蔡清欉,廖啟賢,"考量連續色彩之圖片馬賽克建構技術", Digital Contents Management and Applications , June 2005, pp. 89-97(10) |
65 |
C.T. Tsai, C.S. Liaw, M.P. Chen, and M.C. Chen, "Polygonal approximation using an annealed chaotic Hopfield network" revised by The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, Taiwan, May 2005. |
66 |
C.T. Tsai, C. S. Liaw, C.Y. Huang, and J.S. Lee , “Synthesizing the Artistic Effects of Ink Painting”, SCIA 14th Scandinavia Conference on Image Analysis, June 2005, also appeared in Lecture Note in Computer Science(LNSC), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005. |
67 |
林聖凱, 蘇彥郎, 邱玉娜, 溫嘉憲, 蔡清叢, 彭振興 ,"以HL7-XML based 建構產前遺傳診斷申報系統" , accepted , MIST, Taiwan Oct. 2004 |
68 |
陳成欽, 林志勳, and 蔡清欉, "利用傳統測顱X光片建構頭顱顏面立體模型之研究" , invited speech , 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會 , June 2004 |
69 |
H.C. Hsu, C.M. Weng, C.Y. KO, and C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), The transformation of Complex and Sipplified Chinese in ERP system, Proc. of Chinese Enterprise Resource Planning Society, 2004. |
70 |
陳成欽, C.T.Tsai(蔡清欉), 林志勳, c c long, Reconstruction of mandible model using volume spline interpolation with 2D cephalometric images, Biomedical Engineering Annual Symposium, 2004. |
71 |
J.S. Lee, C.T. Tsai, C.H. Pen, and H.C. Lu , "A real time collaboration system for teleradiology consultation" International Journal of Medical Informatics, December 2003, vol. 72, pp. 73-79(7) (EI) Jiann-Shu Lee, Chin-Tsorng Tsai, and Tsao-Hwei Ko 2003, “Image Watermarking Through Attacking Simulation,” accepted by 2003 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences. |
72 |
H.C. Chang, C.T.Tsai, C.H.Wen, W.S. Liu , and J.S. Lee, "Quality Assurance of X Knife with Electronic Portal Image", Biomedical Engineering Annual Symposium, Dec. 2003 |
73 |
C.C. Lin, C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉),Y.L. Hsu, J.S. Lee, The Character Model Design of Computer Game Using Particle Swarm Optimization, The Joint Conference on AI, Fuzzy System, and Grey System, 2003. |
74 |
Y.L. Hsu, C.C.Lin , C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), J.S. Lee, "The Game Character Design and Implementation Using Particle Swarm Optimization", NCS Session-H6, Taiwan, Dec. 2003 |
75 |
C.C. Lin, C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉),Y.L. Hsu, J.S. Lee, "以粒子群最佳化為基礎之電腦遊戲角色動作設計", AI Application AFG Joint Conf, Taiwan, Dec. 2003 |
76 |
李建樹,謝維城,蔡清欉,楊晴雯,黃鈴玲, 2002/6 “以SOAP為基礎的緊急醫療資訊交換系統建置之研究,” Proceedings of 2002 symposium on digital life and internet technologies, pp. 89 |
77 |
J.S. Lin, C.T. Tsai and J.S. Lee, “An annealed chaotic competitive learning network with nonlinear self-feedback and its application in edge detection,” Neural Processing Letters, No. 13, pp. 55-69, January 2001. |
78 |
J.S. Lee, Y.N. Chung, W.H. Ho, C.T. Tsai, J.S. Lin, Segmentation of magnetic resonance knee image: integrating thresholding and edge detection, Proceeding of the 14th CVGIP, pp. 141, 2001, |
79 |
C.T. Tsai,彭振興,羅文聰,蔡昇達,徐育良, CORBA based Emergency Medical Data Exchange System, BME Conference, Dec. 2001. |
80 |
C.T. Tsai, M.P. Chen, J.S. Lin, J.S. Lee, and Y.N. Chung, Transient chaotic annealing neural network for clustering problems, 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp.495-502, 2000. |
81 |
C.T. Tsai, M.P. Chen, J.S. Lin, J.S. Lee, and P.C. Chung, “ Solving polygonal approximation by a transiently chaotic neural network with simulated annealing,” 2000 13th IPPR Conference on Computer vision, graphics and image processing, Vol.1, pp.400-407, 2000. |
82 |
J. S. Lee, C. T. Tsai, C. H. Pen, and K. L. Chao, 2000, “A real time collaboration system for teleradiology consultation,” Proceedings of the fifth symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp.1B22-1B27. |
83 |
J.S. Lin, C.T. Tsai, and J.S. Lee, “Image edge detection through an annealed chaotic competitive learning network,” 12th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphic and Image Processing, pp. 372-379, July.1999 |
84 |
J.S. Lin, C.T. Tsai, and J.S. Lee, 1999/7 “Image edge detection through an annealed chaotic competitive learning network,” 12th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphic and Image Processing, pp. 372-379. |
85 |
C.H. Peng, W.Z. Jiang, C.H. Wen, S.K. Lee and C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉), A Teleradiology System Based on Collaboratory Technology, pp.31-36,1998, International Computer Symposium (Workshop on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality), Taiwan, Dec., 1998. 7 |
86 |
C.T.Tsai ,J-H. Wang and Y.-N.Sun, "Liver stereoscopic visualization by using Hopfield neural nets", Conf. On Engineering Technology and Applications to Chinese and Western Medicine, pp.124~131, June 1998. |
87 |
C.T. Tsai(蔡清欉),Z. H. Wang, H. C. Peng, D. Y. Yang and C. S. Wen, "An OpenGL-based Coxal Bone Virtual Reality System", Nat. Conf. Symp. of R.O.C., pp.D-196~D202, Dec. 1997 |
88 |
C.T. Tsai, P.C. Chung, C.H. Ko, and Q.Y. Zhan, "Linear Quantization of Quadratic Hebbian-Type Association Memory using Statistical Neural dynamics", The 14th workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, pp.107-113, June. 1997 |
89 |
蔡清欉、楊大羽、彭振興,"以個人電腦為基礎的髖關節立體影像及虛擬實像顯示系統", Biomedical Engineering Annual Symposium (Proceeding of National Science Council, pp.141-144, Dec, 1996. |
90 |
P.C. Chung, C.T. Tsai, and Y.N. Sun, "Linear Quantization of Hebbian-Type Associative Memories in Interconnection Implementation. ", IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 1092-1097, Orlando, 1995 |
91 |
P.C. Chung, E.L. Chen, and C.T. Tsai, "Pattern Recognition Using a Hierarchical Neural Network. ", IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pp.3104-3109, Orlando, 1994 |
92 |
E.L. Chen , P.C. Chung, and C.T. Tsai, "Using a Competitive Hopfield Neural Network for Polygonal Approximation. ", 1993 International Symposium on Artifical Neural networks, pp. G27-G36., Taiwan, 1993. (NSC 82-0408-E006-031) |
93 |
C.T. Tsai, P.C. Chung, and Y.N. Sun, "Characteristics of Quantized Hebbian-Type Associative Memories. " NCS 1993 |
94 |
C.T. Tsai, and P.C. Chung, "Performance Characteristics of Quantized Hebbian-Type Associative Memories," Proceeding of International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp. G6-G15, Taiwan, 1993 |
95 |
C.T. Tsai , Y.N. Sun, and S.C. Huang "Computerization of 2D echocardiograms to analysis left ventricular regional contraction", Nat. Conf. On Medical Engineering of R.O.C., pp.51-52, 1993. (with) |
96 |
Minimizing the energy of active contour model using a Hopfield network, IEEE Int. conf. On systems engineering, pp.495-498, 1992. |
97 |
C.T. Tsai, Y.N. Sun, L.J. Lin, and G.L. Chang, "Computer analysis for echocardiograms", Int. Conf. Symp. of R.O.C., pp.194-202, 1992. |
98 |
P.C. Chung and C.T. Tsai, "Quadratic Hebbian-type associative memories Having interconnection failts", Neural network conference, pp.133-142, 1992 |
99 |
C.T Tsai and Y.N. Sun, "Minimizing the energy of active contour model using Hopfield network", IEEE Int. Conf. on system engineering, pp.495-498, 1992. |
100 |
C.T Tsai and Y.N. Sun, "Multiscale Morphological Thinning", Workshop on CVGIP, Taiwan, pp.304-318, 1991. |
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C.T Tsai and Y.N. Sun, "A Novel Method for Representing Industrial Inspection Pattern ", IEEE 10th Conf. on Computer and Communication System, pp.596-600, 1990. |
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C.T Tsai and Yung-Nien Sun , "A New Model-Based Approach for Industrial Visual Inspection”, International Computer Symposium, pp.497-502, 1990. |